Kate Upton: Everyday Supermodel

"READING things about myself that aren't true drives me crazy!" Kate Upton mock squeals as we discuss the American tabloids' obsession with her love life. "I've managed to block it out, but my family really hasn't - so they'll read about me and then call me up saying, 'Are you alright? I saw this happened' and my mum will call and say: 'Well, I saw you went to Vegas, when you could have come to the family reunion…' and I'm like, 'mum, I swear, I'm in Europe!' It's insane!" Picture credit: Alasdair McLellan Drinking a purifying-looking green drink with her feet curled up beneath her, she could be any 22-year-old - except for the face, and the hair, and the body, and the Cameron Diaz film she just starred in, and the multi-million-dollar Bobbi Brown contract, and the Vogue covers... and yet still, somehow, the girl-next-door tag still seems feasible. Upton promises she's jetlagged, but is still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to an almost unbelievable, and certainly unachievable, degree. A cheerleader for confidence, she really practices what she preaches - talking animatedly on a range of topics and punctuating each anecdote with plenty of nodding and laughing and kindly sympathising. She's a girls' girl at heart, that much is clear, but there's no denying that the exterior is decidedly boy-friendly. Her pneumatic figure, often accentuated by her on-duty attire to almost

cartoonish proportions, is nothing compared to her Disney-worthy face, with peachy skin and huge oval eyes that any Princess would be proud of. Men attend to things in the room as we talk - checking clipboards and water levels with an attentiveness that one suspects is reserved for Upton wherever she goes. If the Queen must believe that the world always smells of fresh paint, then Upton surely must assume that all men are perennially smiling and helpful to a fault. Except, perhaps, the paparazzi with whom - like most actresses and models - she has a complicated relationship. But even they don't awaken any meanness. "I enjoy the red carpet for the first 10 minutes and then I'm like, 'Alright….let's go,'" she smiled. "Sometimes the photographers get really bossy, like 'blow a kiss!', 'smile!' and I think, 'You don't know Mr, you're not a model! This outfit is meant to be fierce, it doesn't go with smiling!' When I first did red carpets, I used to listen and do what they said - but now I don't."
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